Company Details
About Patel Hospital
Patel Hospital is a big hospital that helps people who are sick. It's not a business, so it doesn't make money for itself. Instead, it tries to keep its prices low so that everyone, even those who don't have a lot of money, can get good medical help. We want to make sure that everyone in our community stays healthy. We do this by giving different kinds of medical care and services to people. We also try to help people who don't have much money. We do things to help them, like giving them money or other help when they need it. We have lots of good machines and smart doctors and nurses who work here. They help us make sure that we know what's wrong with someone, and how to help them feel better. We have more than 250 beds where people can stay if they need to be in the hospital. We try to give good medical care to everyone. We believe that everyone should be able to be healthy, no matter how much money they have. That's why we work hard to make sure that anyone who needs help can get it at Patel Hospital.
Contact Info
ST-18, Block 4, Gulshan-e-Iqbal, Karachi-75300, Sindh, Pakistan
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